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How To Handle A Job Rejections

How To Handle A Job Rejections

Almost every person, yes every person has to face some kind of lack of success and without which no-one can learn what they are actually?

In an attempt to choose the best, right or suitable candidate to do the job the employer has to reject the candidates which they think might not be able to perform that job in an effective or efficient manner. Job rejection is something that we all have to deal with from time to time. The interviewer will only select you if you fulfill every requirement on their check-list to fit a particular job position. In fact, rejection can actually help you get a job if you take the time to learn from it. Feel failure is the opposite of feeling accepted. But failure does not mean someone has not liked you. It means in one situation in one workplace and with one people things did not work.

Failure from the job opportunity you are excited about can be disadvantageous to your confidence in your job search. The applications and interview stages are usually quite processed and no matter where you are in that process, if you get rejected, it’s tough. Many candidates internalize this and it can majorly affect the motivation to jump back to your search. So, how do you overcome the rejections in a job search?

Reflections and learning from experience

Every experience gives us some lessons and from that each and every experience we all learn something new or some practical things that we should follow. Every research experience you will gain new skills, extra explore your strengths and interests, and test out your motivation for further study or discipline. Once you get the chance to experience things because of some decisions of your employers you don’t have to look forward and think what kind of experience it will be you just have to get into every step and learn accordingly from every step and it will give the very significant opportunity to us to learn something new. Prepare great interview responses that connect your experiences with the organization’s mission and values, and never miss an opportunity to ask meaningful questions.

Job rejection happens to everyone

If you have never been turned down or rejected for anything then maybe you have not tried hard enough to achieve your goals. If you don’t challenge yourself then you cannot be rejected. Provide the interviewer honest answers that can be about your weaknesses or about failures that you have faced but don’t forget to tell the good things that you are doing to overcome such weaknesses or to avoid failures so that it shows your awareness about yourself and how desperately you are looking towards improvements and self-development. Rejection happens, everyone because every person cannot all-rounder in every field.

We can take examples of many successful people that were rejected, J. K. Rowling's most famous living writer received twelve rejections from different publishers for Harry Potter, Einstein was expelled from school, Bill Gates' first business flopped. Rejections do mean it’s a full stop it just means you need to go again. Just because you were not a good fit for the company to which you applied does not mean you cannot tug your resume or interview skills to be a more suitable candidate in the future.

Ask for Feedback and learn from it

So you did not get the job is not important but after getting rejected why you were not selected is important for your future interviews so you can seek to ask for feedback and the employer will be happy to provide it. This might make you feel low for a few minutes, but it should be taken positively as it will help you avoid mistakes that you did now and mark your strengths, making a clear way for your further opportunities.

Sometimes the company might have decided to promote someone internally, or maybe they lost the budget for that position. So you make the interviewer aware of how important feedback is to you, as this will show them how committed you are to self-development and may convince them to select for that job because your attitude towards learning new things is as important as abilities that you already have.

When you reject ask feedback to the manager. Not all hiring managers will provide this but a simple phone call can potentially give you a clearer idea of why you didn’t receive a job offer. It helps out if there are gaps in your skill set, confidence, and knowledge. It could give you a big advantage when you apply for other jobs. When you receive feedback work on that so you can easily face the next interviews very confidently. At any time don’t forget that there might be areas where we can do improvements and with this, you can bring good things closer to you and don’t forget that good things are always waiting for you, you just have to act with patience, positive attitude towards learning new things and trust the journey but at the same time while doing improvements in yourself you don’t have to forget about your unique value prepositions because those are the things that differentiate you from the others.

Be Philosophical it will definitely add value to you.

You have to just understand things happen for a reason so take everything positively is optimistic. The key to your plan is to focus on the things you can realistically change. Systematic arrangement plays a very important role in successfully working on the tasks. So even if you felt your interview went perfectly, it doesn’t necessarily mean that the role within that specific company was perfect for you.


After facing the rejections get involved in the activities you love or which will help to stay away from the feeling of rejection and once you stay away from the feeling of rejection you then can think further for future plans with a neutral mind.

Sometimes rejection gives us the motivation to keep trying and to try to do better. You ensure that your motivation level is mountain high even in the face of rejection. A better way to handle rejection is to realize your mindset that is not rejection it’s an opportunity to get better. It’s not a bad experience its turn negative things in a positive manner. That time you must understand that success and rejection go hand-in-hand Few candidates internalize this and it can majorly affect the motivation to jump back to your search. Some people rejection takes negatively or positively but the positive gives us a good career in our life. Our natural behavior is to give up and lose momentum, but it's not good. Use rejection as a motivation and as a learning experience to become the best candidate you can be. Getting turned down by an opportunity you were excited about I tough no matter what but if you handle it in the right way, it can end up benefiting you in the long run.

Some Ways to stay motivated after job rejection

1) Every time you fail don’t give full stop further rather give comma after that and don’t give up and double the efforts-

The meaning of giving up is you have accepted defeat. Give up signifies that you no longer believe in your capabilities and strengths. Did you watched the ant that tries as much time as it fails to climb but if you have watched that ant you will remember that at the end that ant with lots of effort reaches to place where she wants but what if she doesn’t try after her first failure? Answer of this question is that she will not be able to go where she wants if she doesn’t have tried after her first failures so from this, we can take the lesson as giving up don’t bring us closer to our destination but trying does and every time you fail to try to take something from that experience and make improvements accordingly in order to succeed. Most people achieve success in life because they have tried various times. Not every time you will succeed and not everything meant to be yours so just be patient and learn from every interview you face make improvements wherever necessary. Most people will face rejection and some point or another, so persist with to seek for a job. So don’t give up and work hard to achieve a good career in life

2) You cannot achieve success if you are not motivated or positive enough to achieve the success so stay Positive-

Every successful person firstly achieves success in his mind which means he always thinks that he has the ability to achieve success and he will achieve success and half of their success path got traveled them because they believed in their potential stayed positive towards their goals. It is hard to be optimistic when negative things are thrown your way but when you stop and think positive that helps to grow your career. Focus on the next opportunity it could take you one step closer to your dream role. The main threat in positivity is that from the start we are not focusing on the things to overcome the threats but we always focused on the threats and how it affected our way to achieve the things because of our mindset from the start it is obvious fact that maintaining positivity is a routine challenge for all but we must have to intentional to stay positive that means you just have to think in the ways that if you face the job rejection you should think it does not belong to you or something better is waiting for you at the next step and move forward, Stay happy and hopeful at all times. No employer will want to hire you if you are negative because it will bring negativity in the work environment and it will adversely affect the work environment and in a result which will bring the productivity of the company goes decreasing. As stated prior, rejection is hard enough to deal with but it’s harder when you deal with it on your own. Always look at a new job opportunity with a fresh perspective and a positive attitude.

3) Don’t focus on the rest just Work on Yourself and get the better you-

Be on top of things at work. Accepting cons and thinking how we can make that cons into strengths is a very important thing in order to get success in life because every person has cons or weaknesses in life but only those get the success that accepts the bad things and works harder to convert that bad thing into something good. Getting a few certifications and qualifications in your functional skills will definitely instill a great deal of confidence. Did you learn anything about yourself? It means interview skills you need to work on the job responsibility you want to do.

It's easy to blame external forces to justify your own failures but avoid this. See each setback as a challenge to grow both your self-understanding and your ability to bounce back and deal with disappointment.

Think in the way that rejection is just nine-letter word in your book of life and don’t get upset when you are rejected rather Celebrate the Rejection

You can esteem your rejection and failures as success. Rejection helps you better in life. Celebrate trying to do differently that help to move. Think about the entire positive that you experience and celebrate and go ahead. Keep yourself going forward-thinking about past rejection well you will be fast forever and you won't enjoy your present. The celebration can help to heal your stress and you can start your new searching with a fresh mind. The celebration of rejection means relaxing from the stress. When rejection comes frustration and guilt automatically in our mind so that when you give time to self it become very helpful to healing.

Don’t get upset because of rejection go back and work for your goals

All have set goals in their life. Getting that job was fabulous one of them. Sure, you didn’t get it, but now it’s time to look at the bigger picture. What are your short –terms and long-term goals? Focus your attention back on them. You just have to think about the things that you can do in order to achieve the plans that you made to achieve success. Focus your energy and attention on that. Doing so will help you forget about the rejection and will help you do something productive with your time instead of moping all day. Many candidates internalize this and it can majorly affect the motivation to jump back to their job search.

Of course, you choose your goal is the first step. But if you want to achieve it by the end of the year, you’ll need to devise a career plan with smaller goals along the way. Not only will this give you a clearer picture of what needs to get done, but completing smaller tasks along the way will motivate you to need to keep working toward your bigger goal. That time rejection can’t matter in your life.

You can recognize this wasn’t your only chance. Opportunities, especially in today’s world, can feel like they only come once in a life. I, personally, think that way, but it’s not true

Strengths will bring you closer to your goals so focus on your Strengths

There will always be areas where each of us can improve, but remember that you bring your own unique values and passions to the table. Focusing on these can provide the renewed energy and momentum you need to find the job that’s right for you. Create a list of your strengths and key contributions you’ve made to previous workplaces. There was no costly or difficult in our approach; we simply learned to value and work to our strengths. You can work on your weakness its helps to handle rejection. Developing our strengths was not compulsorily mentioned in any of our job descriptions, but by finding small ways each day to do what we did best we were able to start feeling more engaged and enthusiastic.

Experience gives you a good idea about what you have to do to achieve your goals so learn from your experience of rejection

Mentally strong people ask themselves, what did I obtain from this? So they can learn from rejection. Rather than simply permit the pain, they turn it into an opportunity for growth. With each rejection, we grow stronger and capable. Either you learn about areas in your life you need improvement and you simply recognized the being turn down isn’t as bad as you imagine. Rejection can be a great teacher. Use rejection as an opportunity and moves forward. So it's important to work hard at keeping your morale and motivation levels. Learn from rejection is one of the most important things because we know what actually wrong in our interview.

When you know the weaknesses and errors, be prepared to put a plan in place to set to them. If you do not learn from the experience, the problems will be repeated in the future.

If plan A doesn’t work there should be a Plan B

Life is always full of opportunities so you just have to open your eyes and take a new chance. Hence, when it is a job regarding you have to the back-up plan. You cannot keep all your hopes and get too attached to just one job opening. When plan A doesn't work so you can turn plan B it helps to relax your mind from frustration. When you make a plan B pick a favorite skill set and look for opportunities in your current role to build up that area of expertise. Just because you are not happy at this job does not mean you can work on it.


Now, we come to the conclusion, why it is a necessary and important factor to handle a job rejection mentioned above thing will help you. If you think there can be something more to it, let us know in the comments section below!

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