Every job seeker’s must-have guide!

Job hunting is not easy and even with the most impressive work experience, aspirants often stumble at the last minute and lose an important opportunity. You may send out countless job applications but all you receive in return are rejection emails. So, we figured out how to help: we just launched the career coach - JobsCruze eBook - a step-by-step guide on how to land your dream job.

Every job seeker’s must-have guide!
Your personal career guide

Your personal career guide

Sometimes you may have great work experience, qualifications, and skills but do not know how to translate them on your CV or resume. JobsCruze e-book gives you the right kind of career advisor for writing curriculum vitae, resumes, cover letters, and samples that give you an edge over other job seekers. It also prepares you for an interview and gives you tips on how to answer some difficult-to-answer interview questions.

It does not matter if you are an aspiring designer looking to get your first job or an engineer trying to move from one multinational company to another, it is your resume that is the ticket to get you that important interview call that you so desperately need. Resume writing is by no means a simple task. Those who take resume writing as a simple task often end up on the wrong side of things. Employers immensely appreciate individuals who have put hours behind making a resume. These are often individuals who are preferred. If you are new to resume making this book is for you.


What you’ll learn in this book

  • Importance of a professional resume.

  • Structuring your resume. 

  • Drafting a great cover letter.

  • Applying for university jobs.

  • Career advice - job counseling services

  • Different styles of writing resumes.

  • Importance of keywords in your resume.

  • How to renew your resume.

  • career guidance and counseling for students.

What you’ll learn in this book


"A quick help This ebook by JobsCruze certainly provides guidelines for being successful in job search of a meaningful career. This is an outstanding and practical understanding with the best possible advice. By following the guidelines the feature will become an invaluable and quick tool for you."

Raj Kumari

"A must have This feature is very well written and informative. I am personally in the middle of a huge job and career change in my own field. JobsCruze ebook feature has been a huge help in the process. One look at this will prove everyone’s knowledge of the subject matter. It’s a must have for all to understand the current job seeking process"

Rakhee Doijad

"I was so glad to have found this. If you are changing jobs or just looking for a job, JobsCruze e book feature is a great feature. It will walk you through the step by step process of creating a profile that will get noticed. This insightful and easy to follow guide also covers how to make use and maximize your job search potential. When you have finished it. You will have a better understanding of what companies and recruiters are looking for. "

Gurpreet Chauhan

Guide to make fresher resumes

Putting together your first resume after your master's program as per the MBA prerequisites can be a scary task. You may not know how to present your not-so-many accomplishments, or you may have information about yourself or your career that you want to highlight but don’t know how. You may be asking yourself:

What order should the information be in?

What is the difference between a career summary and a career objective?

What about college projects and volunteer experience?

Find answers to all such questions and more here with the help of jobs counseling services

Guide to make fresher resumes
How to restructure and old resume?

How to restructure and old resume?

As the job market changes, so does the way job seekers need to market themselves. If you’re stepping back into job search after a long time, then it is important to know how the recruiters today are thinking.

This e-book will guide you through the process of restricting your resume with career counseling online to highlight your accomplishments and make you stand out in the modern job marketplace.  


Email Etiquettes

While emailing your professional resume and cover letter, one must also give due consideration to what to include in the body of your email.

Our e-book can guide you in using proper email etiquette on opening salutation, how to address the email receiver, what kind of words should be avoided, how you should close the email on a formal yet intriguing note, and more.

Email Etiquettes
How to make visual resumes?

How to make visual resumes?

Want to create an infographic resume that’ll get you hired? 

An infographic resume uses graphics and illustrations to present key information about your work experience and capabilities.

In this e-book, you can get all the information on understanding more about infographics or visual CVs.

How is it different from a regular resume? How to Create an Infographic Resume from Scratch? Who should create infographic resumes? Examples of infographic resumes and more. 


Career guidance and counselling

JobsCruze is an industry expert not just in professional resume building but also in helping users get on the right career path through skillful consultation.

Our career consultant team consists of certified professional resume writers and certified career coaches who have each had several years of experience excelling in their field.

 Along with tips on best resume writing and resume editing this e-book provides vital information on career coaching, and career counseling to get you the results you’re looking for!

Career guidance and counselling

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