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Five Things Never to Say in a Job Interview

Five Things Never to Say in a Job Interview


During a job interview, your words have a great impact. Making a good first impression and showing your suitability for the position are important. Saying the wrong thing, however, can occasionally make it more difficult for you to get hired.

Having an interview can feel like a great success when you're job-seeking, and for most available positions, it is. However, the interview is just one stage in a lengthy hiring process. Many applicants may be contacted for a given position, and there may be tough competition. Saying one of these things at a job interview will eliminate you from the competition.

Interviews are meant to see if the candidate has the potential to work in the company. From the candidate’s point of view, he/she has to come across the interviewer i.e. the HR of the company, and make him/her believe that he is a suitable candidate for a particular job than the other candidates.

So while giving an interview, we should be careful about all the things that we say in front of the interviewer as our first impression decides a lot of things and we if say even a single statement that is wrong or incorrect according to the interviewer, the chances of getting rejected increases.

No matter how good we were at our last job, if we create even the slightest wrong impression in front of the interviewer, he might not consider our profile as he will go with the things he is experiencing in person with you rather than the experience written in the resume.

1. Express Negative Thoughts About Yourself

We advise job seekers who are getting ready for interviews to steer clear of talking poorly about themselves. Though it might seem like a straightforward request, a lot of job applicants talk more about what they can't accomplish than about how they might provide value. Never take the lead on tasks that you know will be difficult for you. Reframe your responses every time to come out as confident and upbeat.

It matters what you say during a job interview. You can put yourself in the best possible light and improve your chances of getting the job by avoiding these five mistakes. Be positive, self-assured, and concentrated on showing your qualifications for the role.

2. Don't Promote Your previous Company Negatively

It's important to avoid criticizing your previous company or coworkers while talking about your prior work experiences. It's essential to concentrate on the good things that happened to you throughout your visit, regardless of any bad experiences you may have had. You can show your professional ability to handle challenging conditions while keeping a good attitude by highlighting the talents you have developed and the opportunities you have had for improvement.

3. Talk About Personal Issues

During an interview, a job applicant should pay close attention to everything spoken. During an interview, interviewers want to know if you can handle the work, whether you get along with others, especially in different groups, and whether you can add value to the position. One thing a job applicant should never do, in my opinion, is talk about personal matters like children, family, or marital status.

4. Never pretend to be without flaws

Everyone can do better, and acting otherwise comes out as arrogant and unprepared to learn. Rather, own up to your weaknesses and talk about how you've conquered them or how you're constantly trying to do better.

5. Ask for Feedback at the End

Never ask the interviewer a follow-up question such as, "Based on your time with me, is there anything that worries you about my application?" after the interview. Although asking comments from others is a good idea, it is unprofessional and unsettling to do so during an interview. How should one react to this if they receive unfavorable comments or if they have inquiries they would prefer not to address right now? Just don't do it.

It affects what you say during a job interview. You can put yourself in the best possible light and improve your chances of getting the job by avoiding these five mistakes. Be positive, self-assured, and concentrated on showcasing your qualifications for the role



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