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Top 20 Content Writer Interview Questions And Answers

Top 20 Content Writer Interview Questions And Answers

The content writers are an amazing career today and we have most options who all are want to make their career in this. If you have a hobby to write, read, and an amazing thought process then you could get an easy success in this area. It is good for you, and one of the most popular career options for a long time. Most people are writing amazing content for the book, blogs, magazines, media publisher houses, live television shows, etc. And with the help of writing good content, they are earning very well in their daily life. Many people have made their own profiles in the social media account for writing content, for business purposes and they are doing a daily posting with powerful, creative content words and attracting people to read their articles. You people can make your passion for reading and writing skills and it very important skill thing in your life if you want to choose this field. If you people have decided your career in this field then it would a good opportunity for you. Let's see some of the important questions which could be asked from the recruiters at the time of the interview for the content writer profile. So the questions are following as.

According to you what are the good components for the content writer?

Sample Answer - Here is the important components that should be there in every good content writer. Show the components are following as

It should be practical - The content should be very much practical and it should be understood by the content writer it is one of the important parts with the help of which we could reach the number of readers.

It should be very attractive - To make our content or the article very much attractive we can add many of the different-different types of an aspect, quality work.

Always write original content - It is the most important part due to which the article read through other people and many of the readers come to. The original content should be present in your article because people are not interested to read duplicate data or similar data.

Why do you want to be a content writer or why you choose this field?

You should give an honest answer to it because the employer wants to know your interest in this field.
You may answer as - I want to be a content writer because I am having good writing skills, creative skills, and as per the market trend I could write unique content words. I can write content quickly way due to passion in it. I always love to write contents and it is my hobby. So I want to be a content writer and I am looking at it as a career option.

What are mandate skills for every content writer?

Sample Answer- A content writer should have skills such as Good adaptability in content topics, a good understanding of Search Engine Optimization skills, and focus on content words, good ability to provide their work within timeline skills.

How did you know in the watched topic you have to write?

Sample Answer - According to me, it depends on people, readers as what type of content they would like to read it. Based on this, I come to know about these topics.

Please tell me, what is the current scenario is running nowadays in the content writer?

Sample answer - As per the current scenario, we should follow always good content writer tips.
a) We should find the target peoples.
b) Always, try to find the need for the public.
c) Target the keywords of the most researched content.
d) We need to check our competitor's list to get a good conversion ratio.

Please define the blog?

Sample Answer - Whenever we are writing the content in very innovative thought and in which we contain our personal experience and provide your estimation then these types of content are known as a blog.

Please define the article?

Sample Answer - Whenever we would write any content in a professional way with all the analysis as well as write it with a very traditional paragraph extra then it is known as an article.

Is the blog is different from the article, why?

You should answer - These both are different content. The articles are very much formal forms in writing and it is having a more traditional way than a blog. And in the article, we include all types of important fact events and analysis as well as explore. But in a blog, we may include all the important articles and we write it in our own way it can be your personal content or we can also give an individual view in this.

Tell me the difference between copy and content?

Sample Answer - Everyone people want to read the original content. If our content is not unique then we could not get the related people. Because the content is only used to give a recounting about any topic and the copy is used to inform a position to bring out or sell their product.

In what way you do the proofreading process?

Sample Answer – As I prefer simple types of technique for the proofreading so the techniques such as,

  • In the first steps, I will the content read loudly.
  • I will focus on heading words.
  • I will do reading twice the entire page of paragraphs.
  • I will keep one Hard copy of that particular paragraph to match the soft copies of contents with it.
  • Always, I check to spell of the paragraph.
  • Also, I will do focus on the structure of the entire page before doing a read of that page.

Tell me about our company?

To answer this question you have to stay positive and say positive points about the company and put all the points which you have analyzed before coming here and before applying for the job. The question of the answer completely depends up to you. However, here below we have made one sample answer you may refer it.

Sample Answer - I have seen that your company is very much reputed and I have applied here because I want to explore my thought and your company can provide me a very good platform to communicate myself and get me, readers. And I ready to learn something new different from this organization.

Are you reading right now?

You should answer the favor of this question only.
The sample answer - It is very important if we are good contents writer, then we should always good reader also I am still reading all the types of magazines, newly contents updated blogs, news articles, etc, because it all is helping me a lot to explore myself to learn new things, and keep me updated on it.

Did you complete your all writing work within a time?

You should positive in this answer - I always complete all the work within a time which I get because this is one of the most important factors which makes me a good writer and it is the quality by which any company can hire me easily. I am very honest in my work and dedicated to finish my work within the timeline.

Is SEO (Search Engine Optimization) content writing is beneficial for the website?

Sample Answer - It is very right, the SEO content writing is very much helpful for the website, for other online platform contents and it also helps the website to be on the top rank because lots of people are first of all attracted by the content only. In today's market, most of the people are writing their content as per SEO based and help them.

Kindly tell me the reason to leave your last job?

You should answer this question very smartly you should try to cover all the positive points of the last company and put the efforts on your writing skills and by looking forward you have left the job so end this way you have to deal with the answer. However, here below we have made one sample answer you may refer it.

Sample Answer – While working in the last company I have learned a lot but I am looking for new opportunities in this field. So I have left my last company and want to join your company because you are providing the best platform which will help me to work and learn more. Also, I want to learn new technology, great strategy with your organization.

How did you get the idea for writing on a particular topic or it is given by an organization?

Sample Answer - I always go through the list of topics and then after I just do the analysis of the entire listed topic and after that, I try to find related all the topics with current affairs or targeted audiences then I choose those topics. So it all is very helpful for me when I do start content writing on those particular topics.

What will you do when you have to write lots of content in a short period, what is your opinion?

Sample Answer - Writing is my passion and I have written a lot of content in my career. I have faith in myself that I can do best because I like to write it is no pressure, in a free mind for me it is my hobby which I have converted as a career option. I also have strategies skills of contents, where to use all these. I will do the plan and use my skills to close work within the duration.

In which format you are very much comfortable in writing?

Every content writer has their own writing styles, If you are using format then you should tell it very honest answer on it. Sample answer - I always explore my new skills in writing and I always like to learn a new type of format but basically I write contents in freestyle and in which I feel comfortable myself along with all components of the basic structure.

Tell me about the types of writing?

Sample Answer - According to me the types of writing areas 

a)Type 1: Narrative
b) Type 2: Descriptive
c) Type 3: Persuasive
d) Type 4: Expository

Tell me about the different types of genres?

Sample Answer - You should tell those you know the genres categories, For Example.

  1. Newspaper
  2. Science fiction
  3. Western
  4. Thriller
  5. Mystery
  6. Detective

Is grammar is very much important in content writing or for good content is enough?

It is a very simple, basic question but you should give the answer on it very carefully- Sample Answer - It is correct, the grammar is very much important for every any content writer because the correct grammar make our content more effective if we will write good content then every time no need to check grammar every time, The people are always like to read grammar error-free content in their use. So the grammar is very much important you should put up the proper grammar into the content.


We have covered the all-important question which can be asked by the recruiter at the time of interview here we have covered all the content writing concepts interview question answer and why they will hire a content writer this question answers will help up the fresher’s for the internship and the editors and the writers who are looking for the good opportunity in life we have also written here the technical content question which will help you a lot at the time of the interview.


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