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Top 25 Cyber Security Interview Questions and Answers 2020

Are you thinking about a career job in cybersecurity?

In today's era, you'll see, a large portion of the business has moved on a digitally. It means they have more confidential data about their business on the webserver. Generally, if you would see, there are many hackers who are seating there to do the theft for your secret data. Or we can say the cyber attack may destroy sensitive data. To protect online information from hackers the cybersecurity are important.

Moreover, there are various jobs available in the cybersecurity field and organizations require a smart candidate who has a wide scope of technology, problem-solving skills, and capabilities and more skilled.

Cybersecurity professionals provide an exciting salary and growth opportunities as compared with other sectors. For this sector, the technical background and computer, the IT qualifications play a significant role.

With the help of this article, we have mentioned all the required things regarding cybersecurity with the help of some questions and their answers. If you are a cybersecurity analyst then you have to know all cybersecurity tricks. It will help you Information security manager interview questions and answers. 

Q.1.Why do we need Cyber Security?

Sample Answer- As per my learning, cybersecurity is to protect sensitive data against cyber attacks threats. Also, they inform the organization if any attempt occurred from hackers on the server, and ensure smooth interchange information under security protocol.

Q.2. please tell me about, what do you mean by a 'threat' in security?

Sample Answer - In cybersecurity language, a threat is nothing but it is ‘malicious’. In other simple words the attempt has tried to hack secure information by attackers it could occur on the system or any application work.

Q.3. please tell me about, what do you mean by the vulnerability in security?

Sample Answer - Vulnerability is nothing but some string of a weakness string where the uncovered have done or it is a risk factor. Here the term is called a - weakness about the application, systems, or any hardware, and in online web-pages.

Q.4.What is the risk element in security, please define it?

Sample Answer - In simple short terms - it is generally characterized as a presentation of data to break or misfortune coming about because of breaks of or assaults on data application. Here, the risk attacks could be in the machine, application, or any script of programs.

Q.5. please tell me about the data leakage?

Sample Answer - Nowadays, the exchange information data, images transmission is happening via digital mode, however, the exchange information could be done by web email, mobile, hardware, software, third party application - if the cyber attackers or hackers try to access your secure data or if they have accessed or leaked your confidential information.

Q.6. what are the major factors that can cause data leakage, please confirm?

Sample Answer - Here the reason can be more are as following -

  • Due to the short of length password
  • Malicious, risk, and threats,
  • Not updated Antivirus
  • The decryption of cookies data
  • Error during application issue
  • Unexpected error issue
  • Outdated  system format

Q.7. which are the ways, we can prevent the data leakages?

Sample Answer - Here are the few ways which would help to prevent the data leakage process -

  • Doing of close monitoring of system activity
  • With the using of an encryption algorithm
  • Use of highly cybersecurity layer
  • Use of SSL Mechanism file
  • Work of high-risk data steps
  • Monitoring of transmission of bit/rate

Q.8. why do we need to use a Mac-operating system?

Sample Answer - A Mac-operating system has a multiple security layer program inbuilt functions to protect the external attackers on hardware and software as well. In short, we can say that there are fewer chances for viruses and threats attacks.

Q.9.Tell about the CIA what it stands?

Sample Answer - Here the CIA stands as - (Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability). It is a high mechanism file instruction, which ensures to send confidential information, reliable, and integration during the transmission at the end-user machine.

Q.10. what do you mean by SSL (secure socket layer), on the website?

Sample Answer - On Internet the SSL (secure socket layer), makes a secure socket layer between the user systems and the webserver system during transmission. It ensures that the data will be in form of encrypts format.

 Q.11. what do you mean of Cryptography security?

Sample Answer - On the internet, the cryptography concept is used for secure data transmission. When a user does any transmission via digital mode, that time the cryptography runs the internal instruction and ensures data will be reaching the end-user in the form of encrypted format.

Q.12.what is the 'key' concept on the Internet?

Sample Answer - On the Internet, a key is a piece of data that decides the practical yield of cryptographic information. Basically, the key is used in form of transmission of requests. A key is used for decryption of data. For example, is cryptography?

Q.13. what are the various stages of 'ITSCM's' process works?

Sample Answer - As the ITSCM - stand as (IT service continuity management), it basically works in the phases such as, (Initiation, requirements, Implementations, and operations).

Q.14. please confirms, what are the different ways to hack the password?

Sample Answer - As there many ways the attackers can access your credential details -

  • Due to phishing web-page
  • Brute force mechanism
  • Rainbow Attack concept
  • Social Attacking threats
  • Malicious threats, risk

Q.15. what are the types of hackers, names?

Sample Answer - As the types of hackers are as follows -

  • White Hat hackers
  • Black Hat hackers
  • Grey Hat hackers

Q.16. what are the Security Analyst Skills, please tell those?

Sample Answer - The skills are as follows -

  • Network security skills
  • Preventing systems & tools skills
  • Critical thinking skills
  • Administration skills
  • IT knowledge skills
  • Enhancing security efficiency
  • Monitoring security compliances
  • Attackers security skills

Q.17. Why every organization needs an information security system policy, what it is?

Sample Answer - Generally, we know every organization follows the security system policy, as they don't want their confidential data has to be a leakage somewhere. Hence they follow a strict policy related to cybersecurity and they do not allow any external risk access in their Intranet connection. They ban all risk proxy access for their organization.

Q.18. what are the types of cybersecurity, names?

Sample Answer - As we know cybersecurity is vital in every file, and the following are the types of cybersecurity -

  • Network Security
  • Information Security
  • Cloud Security
  • IoT Security
  • Mobile-based Security
  • Database Security

Q.19. Tell me, what are the different types of transmission media?

Sample Answer- There are types of transmission media are following -

  • Wired media
  • Wireless media

Q.20.Please confirms, what is a firewall in the network system?

Sample Answer - In simple words - A firewall is an organization security model that screens incoming and outgoing network transmission and concludes whether to permit or deny the explicit requests based on a defined set of security rules.

Q.21.what is the asynchronous transmission, please tell about it?

Sample Answer - I would like to tell here, an asynchronous transmission is a mechanism of sequential transmission for modems and other telecommunication systems where the information is communicated as a consistent stream of bytes isolated by start and stop bits.

 Q.22. what is the mean of IP in cybersecurity?

Sample Answer - On Internet the IP - called an Internet protocol in the communication correspondence standard used to exceptionally recognize systems on a PC organization or across the web. In general, over the network, every device has its own unique Identification number i.e. IP, which is used to locate systems and easy to share secure data transmission.

Q.23. what are the major risks attacks by using public Wi-Fi?

Sample Answer - As the risk attacks are as follows -

  • Man-in-the-Middle attacks
  • Unencrypted networks
  • Malware
  • Sniffing
  • Phishing

 Q.24. Tell us about social engineering attacks?

Sample Answer - Social designing is a manipulation procedure that abuses human mistake to increase private data, information, and generally. It utilizes term control to malicious work into committing security errors or parting with delicate data.

Q.25. what are the ways to prevent the Identity theft issue?

Sample Answer - As there are the following term which would help to prevent identity thefts,

  • Ensure to keep strong credentials
  • Do not avoid secure information on the public domain
  • Avoid giving personal information about accounts
  • First, need to check the SSL based website
  • Keep updated use of the system
  • Need to use updated Antivirus


This article will help you give you more details on the question of how to prepare for a cybersecurity interview. However, the candidate can express his answer in an expressive way and the candidate can explain technical terms in a better way. Cybersecurity interview questions 2020, such questions employer could ask you.


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